It’s time for Rudy to shut his face and go home

I wrote about Rudy Guiliani a few weeks back. He got himself into mischief questioning whether Barack Obama loves America. With the exception of a few Tea Party Taliban types, he was roundly ridiculed for his comments. You would have thought that a seasoned politician like Rudy would have stuck his proverbial finger in the proverbial air and figured out that (1) he’d lost a ship load of credibility through his idiotic and insensitive comments and (2) he might want to keep a low profile until the murky air cleared. Not our Rudy. He’s just getting started.

Speaking, last week,  with New York talk show host John Gambling – he of the three generations of John Gamblings who, for 88 years, hosted the Rambling With Gambling show – Guiliani achieved the rare double banger of embarrassing comments.

First, he said that he wished Barack Obama was more like Bill Cosby. Oops – maybe not the smartest thing to say given recent revelations about America’s favourite TV dad. What he meant, was that Cosby used to regularly call out stupid behaviour by African Americans and Obama doesn’t. The Ferguson, Missouri situation was one of the examples he used. I guess he forgot that the recent shooting of two police officers, in Ferguson – the bad behaviour he wanted Obama to call out –  was a direct outcome of months of protest over the behaviour of a police department that has been deemed, by government investigators, to have consistently behaved in a racist manner. I don’t hear Guiliani calling that out.

His second mystifying statement was that former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson should be commended for killing Michael Brown. He tried to clarify that by referring to the report that says there’s no conclusive evidence that Brown’s hands were in the air when Wilson shot him to death. Unfortunately, all anyone heard, and all that’s being reported, is that Darren Wilson should get a medal for killing unarmed Michael Brown.

Rudy Guiliani used to be a savvy politician. I suspect he had a posse of consultants and minders around making sure he didn’t come across as a total dick. These days, he’s a sad old man trying and saying anything in the hope of remaining even a little relevant .

I have a message for Rudy. He’s showing himself to be an old school racist and increasingly Far Right fascist who is completely out of touch with reality. No one – except Rush Limbaugh and Bill O”Reilly – give a damn what he thinks and the more he opens his mouth, in public, the more he tarnishes what’s left of his post 9/11 reputation.

Rudy, it might be time to move into the home, on your terms, before someone gets a court order to forcibly do it.

Good bye Rudy. Your time is now officially up.

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